Robots With Pens

Workshop to make experimental robot drawings using code by Joseph Wilk

Screenshot of a video call which shows mechanical arms drawing onto paper.

Through this online workshop participants journeyed into automated drawing and P5 coding. Inspired by the work of computer art pioneer Vera Molnár, we remixed, experimented with, and broke code. People used the code they created to generate drawings for a pen plotter (a robot that draws with paper and pens). At the end of the session everyone was able to take their robot drawings home (via post of course!).

Co-produced by SWCTN

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About the artist

Joseph Wilk

Joseph Wilk is an artist working with programming code, realtime media and audio. In particular, he is interested in live programming as performance art. His experience of disability —living with pain, physical limitations, disillusionment and disconnection— strongly impacts his practice. He deconstructs, misuses and repurposes software to challenge notions of ownership, narrative and visibility. He thinks of programming as a means of facilitating and augmenting human communication rather than replacing it, facilitating new forms of expression that put humans at the centre of control.

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