Critical Voices in Data

Talks exploring what is new, challenging and possible in data by SWCTN Fellows

Six coloured highlighter pens next to a drawing of yellow, blue and pink prisms each with '=C', '=P' and '=I'

South West Creative Technology Network fellows explored what is new, challenging and possible across the themes of data. Pete Quinn-Davis, Michelle Forrest Becket, Grace Quantock and Annie Blanchette shared their research looking at data collecting through critical eyes.

Co-produced by SWCTN.

About the artist

SWCTN Fellows

The South West Creative Technology Network (SWCTN) supports research and development in emerging technologies. Each year, the SWCTN team curates a cohort of fellows to collectively explore what is new, challenging and possible across the themes of Immersion, Automation and Data. SWCTN is underpinned by the concept and practice of ‘cultural ecology’, by cultivating and connecting diverse networks of people, places, communities and resources across the South West.

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