DIY Solutions to End Tech Pain

Workshop designing speculative treatments for the symptoms caused by excess digital technology use by Dasha Ilina

A cardboard structure which has been placed over an open laptop. A person rests their hand on the structure, which tilts at a 45 degree angle down towards the laptop.

DIY Solutions to End Tech Pain was a workshop focused on imagining DIY objects against health problems that arise from technology, using materials you can find in your own home. This workshop took place online, and the main focus was sketching and conceptualising the various low-tech solutions, in order to create a discussion around the impact technology has on our physical and mental health. Participants explored designing around their experiences of eye dryness from staring at a screen for too long or neck pain from looking down at your phone too much.

Co-produced with Knowle West Media Centre and KWMC: The Factory

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About the artist

Dasha Ilina

Dasha Ilina is a Russian digital artist based in Paris, France. Her work explores the relationship we develop with the digital devices we use on a daily basis, specifically in regards to the human body. Ilina’s work centers around notions of care and technology, DIY practices and low-tech solutions to examining various issues such as phone addiction, tech-related health problems and privacy in the digital age. She is the founder of the Center for Technological Pain, a center that proposes DIY solutions to health problems caused by digital technologies. She is also the co-director of NØ SCHOOL.

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