Workshop exploring networks through embroidery whilst playing cats by MELT (Loren Britton & Isabel Paehr)

Two people holding their embroidery hoops together, both with cats and dotty lines and numbers.

In this hybrid IRL/URL embroidery session with MELT, feline creatures of the internet gathered to decide upon a network structure that’s good for every cat! We played as cats and addressed each other via different rules. On our agenda was network types: Centralized, Decentralized and Distributed. The aim was to find out about network ‘purrtocols’ (protocols) together online, through the act of sewing and MIAU(meow)-ing as a group!

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About the artist

MELT (Loren Britton & Isabel Paehr)

As MELT, Loren Britton and Isabel Paehr are Berlin-based arts-design researchers who work with games, tech and radical pedagogy. Investigating the political & material conditions of tech infrastructures, they re-distribute agency in socio-technological systems with the methods of queer play, unlearning and leaking. Their work crumbles structures, unbounds materials, dissolves technology and makes collectivities. MELT is exploring how to make something but to keep it open to change, and is doing this through formats like video artworks and workshops. MELT has been influenced by (melting) Ice, Freezers, Software, Signal, moving too fast/slow, Wendy Hui Kyong Chun, Denise Ferreira Da Silva, Digital Materialism, Post/De Colonial thinking, Gifs, Climate Protests, Anti-Racism and Dancing.

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