Oracle Bots

Workshop for coding bots that provided spiritual advice by Danae Tapia & Annika Kappner

A laptop surrounded by plants and crystals. The screen shows a video caller with their eyes shut meditavely.

The computational world is full of mystical references and similarities with magical traditions. In this workshop, Danae Tapia and Annika Kappner explored parallels between coding and casting a spell through making oracle-bots. Bots are small computer programmes that automate text on social media streams that we so often find ourselves on. Oracle-bots operate as divination machines and provide spiritual advice.

The workshop consisted of coding sessions and guided meditations to explore the collective imagination around analogue and digital connectivity through the body. This resulted in a range of new bots like an IntangibleBot making analogue generative artwork and AI Arcana, a mystic bot performing rituals based on algorithmic divination.

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About the artists

Danae Tapia

Danae Tapia is a writer, multimedia artist and technologist born in the Chilean working class. She is a 2022-2024 resident artist at the Rijksakademie in Amsterdam and a researcher and lecturer of Hacking at the Willem de Kooning Academy in Rotterdam.

Annika Kappner

Annika Kappner is an artist based in Amsterdam creating sensory scenographies in the extended field of painting, combining installation, performance, guided meditations, scent and sound to create glitches in perception. Her multidisciplinary and multidimensional research is interested in the interconnected evolution of consciousness and archetypal imagery, its reflection in the shifting perception of (self) image and the other.

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