The Departed

Part séance, part installation bridging the gap between physical and virtual realms by Sarah Selby & Tim Kindberg

Close up of a wooden ouija board with the alphabet laid out in an arch, numbers 0 to 9, five emojis, and 'goodbye' written at the bottom. The letter 'S' is illuminated red.

Lockdown disembodied us from the physical. We became super-virtual phenomena, wandering cyberspace for a sense of connection. At the same time, we listened to new birdsong, and to the silence of carless streets. Part séance, part installation, The Departed guided audiences through open communication between physical and digital worlds at Ashton Court Mansion.

Read more about ‘The Departed’ here.

Thankyou Artspace Lifespace for venue support.

‘The Departed’ was based on an original idea by Tim Kindberg, Sarah Selby, Marcus Gilroy-Ware, Yiota Demetriou and Nick Fogarty. It was produced by Control Shift Co-Founder Rod Dickinson. Nick Fogarty played the medium.

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About the artists

Sarah Selby

Sarah is an interdisciplinary artist exploring digital culture through creative applications of emerging and pervasive technology. Graduating from Manchester Metropolitan University’s Interactive Arts course in 2017, she has since been selected to participate in Roche Continents Science and Art residency and was shortlisted for the Ashurst Emerging Artist Prize. Sarah was the winner of arebyte Gallery’s ‘Hotel Generation’ programme 2019 and is also a member of the Immersive Kind – an interdisciplinary network facilitating knowledge-exchange between artists, scientists and researchers.

Tim Kindberg

Tim runs digital technology company matter II media where he carries out R&D and creates new platforms for a more sustainable and inclusive world, such as I Didn’t Buy and Grapevine. Tim creates surreal events with other artists, like City Psychiatrist and he blogs sceptically about AI, blockchain and other spurious technologies.

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