Can a website be a garden?

In-person workshop building decentralised online gardens by Harriet Horobin-Worley

a graphic of an old apple computer on a gridded background with bright green and pink shapes around it

Harriet Horobin-Worley ran a workshop exploring, ‘How can small acts of tending to the internet connect us to the world?’

In the same way that growing our own gardens can help us to understand our place in the ecosystem, and connect us to the earth, personal website creation and hosting can help us to reflect on our place in the ecosystem of technology.

We were invited to get hands-on creating our own low-tech online ‘allotments’. Rather than being centralised like most websites, these ran locally like personalised digital gardens.

This workshop was co-commissioned with Container Magazine.

Harriet’s Poem Garden was featured in our Feeling Machines Weekender in 2023.

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About the artist

Harriet Horobin-Worley

Harriet is a creative software engineer interested in the material reality of how tech is made, and making tech better for humans. They make interactive art, tools and apps that aim to delight and inspire people. They are currently working on interactive poems, and the surprising results of small acts of cultivation, which will be grown on a personal web server. They co-run Queer Tech Bristol Meet-up a monthly meetup for queers who work with technology, to make space for radical, empowering and nurturing conversation (and also just chilling out and chatting).

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