The Phone Project

Installation and workshop exploring relationships with phones by Chloe Meineck

A desk showing an array of old and new mobile phones and phone cases ordered neatly

The Phone Project by Chloe Meineck explored our intimate relationship with our mobile phones. The work was a mapping of how the phone is part of the artist’s life, installed at St Anne’s House. Chloe facilitated a workshop alongside the map for us to make our own.

Image credit:
Ibi Feher

About the artist

Chloe Meineck

Chloe Meineck is an artist, co-designer, researcher and queer community builder. She specialises in actual/ authentic co-design with different groups of people and communities. Through her design studio she has designed mental health tools, products, public services, public art, government systems and organisations all for social good. She specialises in inclusive and accessible design processes. Her work follows themes of care, repair and identity. Chloe co-founded Bristol Butch Bar and co-facilitates Queer Death Cafe.

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